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spoga+gafa 2024: Cultivating a Sustainable Future for the Garden Industry

Submitted by J. Mikhail on
spoga+gafa 2024: Cultivating a Sustainable Future for the Garden Industry

Sheridan, Wyoming – June 13, 2024 – The countdown is on for spoga+gafa 2024, the world's premier garden and BBQ trade fair, set to transform Cologne into a global hub of innovation and sustainability from June 16-18. With an anticipated 1,850 exhibitors from nearly 60 countries, the event will showcase the latest trends and technologies shaping the future of the green industry.

A Responsible Approach to Green Living

Under the overarching theme of "Responsible Gardens," spoga+gafa 2024 will address the pressing issues of sustainability, resource conservation, and eco-conscious consumerism. The fair will provide a platform for industry leaders, manufacturers, and retailers to collaborate and exchange ideas on how to create a more sustainable future for the garden sector.

Expert Insights and Trend Forecasts

Attendees can look forward to a packed agenda of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and workshops led by industry experts. The Garden Café Forum will host insightful discussions on topics such as ecological gardening, sustainable consumption, and urban greening trends. The Outdoor Lifestyle Trend Show will showcase innovative product designs and materials that prioritize sustainability and responsible sourcing.

Interactive Exhibits and Showcases

The POS Green Solution Islands will offer practical examples of sustainable retail practices, highlighting the importance of resource conservation, waste reduction, and responsible product sourcing. Meanwhile, the Outdoor Kitchen World will tantalize taste buds with live cooking demonstrations by renowned grill masters and showcase the latest outdoor kitchen innovations.

Guided Tours and Networking Opportunities

To enhance the visitor experience, spoga+gafa 2024 will offer guided tours focused on "Responsible Gardens" and "Outdoor Furniture and Decoration Trends 2024/2025." These tours will provide exclusive insights into the latest products and trends, helping attendees make informed decisions about their businesses and personal gardens.

In addition to the formal program, the event will offer numerous networking opportunities, including the VDG Award of the Specialised Garden Centres and the VDG Happy Hour, the 6 o’clock Prime BBQ Night, the IVG Garden Party, and the BHB Garden Summit. These events will foster collaboration, connection, and celebration within the global gardening community.

A Global Stage for Innovation and Inspiration

spoga+gafa 2024 is more than just a trade fair; it is a catalyst for change and a source of inspiration for the green industry. By bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts, the event fosters a spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing that will drive the industry forward in a sustainable and responsible direction.

For industry professionals and gardening enthusiasts alike, spoga+gafa 2024 is an unmissable opportunity to gain valuable insights, discover innovative solutions, and connect with a global community committed to creating a greener future.

About spoga+gafa:

spoga+gafa is the world's leading trade fair for the garden and BBQ industry, held annually in Cologne, Germany. The event brings together manufacturers, retailers, and industry experts from around the globe to showcase the latest products, trends, and innovations in the garden sector. With its focus on sustainability, innovation, and responsible consumption, spoga+gafa is a driving force behind the global green industry.
