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BHB GardenSummit 2024: A Deep Dive into the Future of Garden Retail

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

SHERIDAN, WYOMING – June 27, 2024 – The BHB GardenSummit, held in conjunction with spoga+gafa 2024, convened industry leaders to address critical issues and burgeoning opportunities in the garden retail sector. The summit, organized by the German Federal Association of Home Improvement, Building and Gardening (BHB), facilitated a robust exchange of knowledge and networking among over 150 participants at the Congress Centrum Nord.

Resilience and Growth Potential Amidst Volatility:

In his keynote address, René Haßfeld, Chairman of the Board of toom Baumarkt and BHB Chief Financial Officer, underscored the sector's enduring appeal and potential for growth, despite the challenges posed by climate change and economic fluctuations. He emphasized the importance of innovation, sustainable practices, and meeting the evolving needs of increasingly environmentally conscious consumers.

Navigating Market Dynamics and Optimizing Efficiency:

Sascha Kehrstephan, Director Consumer Panels at GfK/Nielsen IQ, provided a comprehensive analysis of the current market landscape, characterized by shifting consumer behavior and geopolitical uncertainties. While the first half of 2024 demonstrated positive growth in the DIY sector, particularly within garden centers, Kehrstephan stressed the necessity for retailers to prioritize operational efficiency to navigate ongoing volatility. He also highlighted the growing significance of e-commerce and digital solutions in meeting the expectations of modern consumers.

Trend Forecasting and Retail Strategies:

Michael Hermes, Head of Marketing at Landgard, unveiled the company's "Trendbook 2024/25," a comprehensive guide outlining five key trends shaping the future of gardening: biophilic design, cocooning, ethno expressions, bold contrasts, and calming essentials. Hermes elucidated how retailers can leverage these trends to create immersive in-store experiences and drive sales. He also showcased Landgard's successful collaborations with high-profile events, such as the German Film Awards, illustrating the efficacy of strategic partnerships in expanding market reach.

Brand Resilience and Marketing Strategies:

Marketing expert Jan Hatje shared insights on cultivating brand resilience in turbulent times. He emphasized the importance of nurturing customer relationships, consistently delivering high-quality products and services, and fostering a positive brand image through optimistic messaging and employee engagement.

Data-Driven Insights and Long-Term Projections:

Jürgen Hanke, COO of Marketmedia24, presented a data-driven forecast for the garden market. Based on a comprehensive sales performance report analyzing 16 product groups over a decade, Hanke projected an 8% increase in sales by 2033. However, he noted that this projection is contingent upon various factors, including consumer demand, economic conditions, and energy prices.

Understanding and Engaging Generation Z:

Hartwin Maas, from the Institute for Generation Research, shed light on the values, preferences, and behaviors of Generation Z. He challenged prevailing misconceptions about this demographic and emphasized the importance of understanding their unique perspectives and motivations. Maas highlighted their digital fluency, desire for flexibility and structure, and heightened social consciousness. He stressed the need for retailers to adapt their strategies to effectively engage and retain this increasingly influential consumer segment.


The BHB GardenSummit 2024 served as a vital platform for industry leaders to address the challenges and opportunities facing the garden retail sector. The event underscored the importance of embracing innovation, sustainability, and data-driven insights to thrive in a dynamic and evolving market. By understanding and responding to the needs of diverse consumer groups, particularly the rising Generation Z, the garden industry can continue to flourish and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.