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Equestrian Sports

Equitana 2023: Innovation and Stars

Submitted by J. Mikhail on
The independent jury of experts has made a pre-selection for the Innovation Award and nominated a total of 20 products in four categories. International players make the Hop Top Show Mosaique a unique experience. The Equitana Innovation Award is internationally one of the most renowned awards in the equestrian industry. This time, the prize is offered in four different categories. The jury has nominated the following products in its pre-selection for the competition. The award ceremony will take place during Equitana.

EQUITANA 2023: Future perspectives and sustainability

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

Creative and fresh ideas, digital solutions and sustainable products set new priorities in the exhibition area. Opportunities in the equestrian industry and a multi-faceted family programme are further highlights in the Equitana programme.

EQUITANA 2023: Sport and breeding, show and shopping

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

The programme of the World Equestrian Show from 9 to 15 March is particularly multi-faceted. From training to breeding, the best from all sectors will be represented in Essen. 

EQUITANA 2023: Innovations and new impulses

Submitted by J. Mikhail on
Renowned brands and manufacturers will present their innovations in Essen from 9 to 15 March. The best ideas will be honoured by the Innovation Award. Sport and show characterise the multi-layered programme of the fair. The World Equestrian Show will once again be the industry's showcase next year. Well-known brands such as Böckmann, Rampelmann and Spliethoff, Röwer and Rüb, Weidemann, Agrobs, Stübben, Pikeur and Sprenger will be presenting their wide range of products and, above all, their innovations. The signpost to the best ideas is the Equitana Innovation Award. Europe's most prestigious award for the equestrian market recognises future-oriented innovations in all investment areas of equestrian sport.

A look behind the scenes of the Hop Top Show

Submitted by J. Mikhail on
The Hop Top Show is the evening highlight of every Equitana - for the visitors, but also for the artists. Many associate unique experiences with their performances. Tickets for the 2023 show will be available soon. The Hop Top Show has been staging the magical moments in the special relationship between man and horse with poetry and lightness for decades. But the gala evening is not only an experience for the audience; many of the internationally renowned artists also associate very personal memories with their performances in the big arena. For many it was the starting point of an impressive career.

Equitana 2023 - new date for the World Equestrian Show

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

Next year, Equitana will be held in Essen from 9 to 15 March. The positive response to the anniversary event has shown that the shortened duration is a model for the future.

The 50th anniversary fair of Equitana was a great success. Almost 101,000 visitors came to Essen and sent a clear signal: The fair is and remains the most important meeting place and marketplace for equestrian sport. The continuation will already follow next year.

Equitana 2023 will take place in Essen from Thursday, 9 to Wednesday, 15 March.

Equitana 2022 – the jubilee inspires both visitors and the industry

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

The world’s leading equestrian exhibition’s 50th birthday party proved to be the perfect venue where the industry could finally meet up again. Visitors and exhibitors alike relished being able to meet in person and enjoy a top-class event.

Here are the winners of the Equitana Innovation Prizes

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

Our panel of experts has taken its decisions and selected eight winners from the 31 products nominated for an award. The Visitor’s Prize goes to Royal Horsemen.Our panel of experts has taken its decisions and selected eight winners from the 31 products nominated for an award. The Visitor’s Prize goes to Royal Horsemen.