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EQUITANA 2023: Innovations and new impulses

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

Renowned brands and manufacturers will present their innovations in Essen from 9 to 15 March. The best ideas will be honoured by the Innovation Award. Sport and show characterise the multi-layered programme of the fair.

The World Equestrian Show will once again be the industry's showcase next year. Well-known brands such as Böckmann, Rampelmann and Spliethoff, Röwer and Rüb, Weidemann, Agrobs, Stübben, Pikeur and Sprenger will be presenting their wide range of products and, above all, their innovations. The signpost to the best ideas is the Equitana Innovation Award. Europe's most prestigious award for the equestrian market recognises future-oriented innovations in all investment areas of equestrian sport.

A jury of experts, veterinarians, sports riders and journalists reviews the products submitted and decides on the award. Trade fair exhibitors have until 9 January to submit their developments in the four categories of buildings and technology, vehicles and trailers, feed, care and medicine as well as clothing, equipment and training material via the website. The award ceremony will take place during Equitana from 9 to 15 March in Essen.

The theme days

In addition to the journey of discovery in the exhibition area, Equitana offers a varied programme on each of the seven days of the fair, which focuses on the different breeds and riding styles. Western sport will be the focus at the opening on Thursday, 9 March. After the ceremonial opening of the first day of the fair, the discipline will be presented in numerous facets. Quarter Horses, Appaloosas and Paint Horses demonstrate their talents for the various sporting requirements.

The second day of the fair on 10 March is all about horsemanship and working equitation. Visitors can watch how difficult tasks can be mastered with precision and partnership in the Working Equitation Cup. On Saturday, 11 March, the Show Cup and various activities will present equestrian sport as a leisure activity for the whole family. Sunday, 12 March is dedicated to dressage from classical to baroque.

Monday, 13 March, will be dedicated to training and top sport, including the fast-paced USG Indoor Eventing. Top sires will draw attention to themselves on Tuesday, 14 March, Breeding Day. Wednesday, 15 March is all about breeds with more than three gaits. Then, among others, the Icelandic horses will compete in a fast-paced cup. As the youngest gaited horse breed, the Aegidienberger celebrate their 40th birthday. Walter Feldmann presented the first animal at the Equitana in 1983.

Learning from the best

When it comes to training tips and modern training methods, visitors can learn from the best in show and sport. Olympic, World and European champions such as Ingrid Klimke, Isabell Werth and Ute Holm, top athletes such as Benjamin Werndl or horse professionals such as Bernd Hackl pass on their philosophy in exclusive teaching sessions. On Tuesday, 14 March, Ingrid Klimke will make age-appropriate training and varied training design the subject of her lesson in the day's programme. She will give insights into her work with the horses and will bring Equitanas Firlefranz with her to Essen. The son of her top dressage horse Franziskus is following in his father's footsteps and is well on the way to Grand Prix maturity.

Benjamin Werndl is fascinated by the perfect coordination and the ease of movement. The bronze medallist at the World Championships in Herning will convey his passion in his lesson on Monday, 13 March. The 38-year-old illustrates what sustainable development means to him when training his horses in various situations. Together with Dressurfit trainer Marcel Andrä, he also shows special exercises that make it easier to swing along in the saddle.

As the most successful dressage rider of all time, Isabell Werth will share her experiences on Wednesday, 15 March. Using the example of various pupils, she will explain in a comprehensible way how collection and difficult lessons succeed. However, the various top trainers and top riders will also be talking to each other at Equitana. This will result in new synergies and impulses for modern training.

Exclusive training evening

Grand Prix rider Uta Gräf and the internationally successful show jumper Andreas Kreuzer will demonstrate what this can look like in concrete terms in a joint evening show on Monday, 13 March at 7.30 pm. The two renowned trainers will not only be in the saddle themselves, they will also use various examples to illustrate their cross-disciplinary approach to fine riding and correct aids. Together they explain why this basis shapes later success and the harmony between rider and horse. They give tips on how to get there and which steps are decisive, which everyone can also implement at home with their own horse.

Ways to freedom

The bond between humans and animals and communication via fine signals will be the focus of another exclusive training evening on Thursday, 9 March, at 7.30 pm. For the first time, the successful webstars and up-and-coming trainers Kenzie Dysli, Julia Steinbrecher, Emilia Schlotterbeck and Tanja Riedinger will share their experiences and methods together and very personally.  From the first basic exercises without saddle and bridle to free riding, collection and various lessons of the high school, they show different steps of development with their horses and give tips on how the way to freedom can be achieved trustingly and safely.

Dancing with the horses

As a master of freedom dressage, Frédéric Pignon celebrates communication with his horses. He consciously works with them at eye level and wants them to feel comfortable around him. For him, calmness, a positive aura and lots of praise are the foundations of a trusting partnership. On Tuesday, 14 March, at 7.30 p.m., the internationally celebrated show star will demonstrate why the horses are allowed to have a say in his work and where he sets limits in the big ring at Equitana. Together with his wife Magali Delgado, he will give insights into his very special philosophy of dancing with horses. For him, the right rhythm and harmony in movement are of decisive importance. Special guest Linda Tellington-Jones will join the evening. Frédéric Pignon uses the therapy through touch developed by her to praise the horses noticeably and to create an atmosphere in which they can relax.

Gala in the evening

The Hop Top Show Mosaique is the atmospheric highlight of the fair day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 7.30 pm each evening. Celebrated artists from all over Europe present the bond with their horses in a sometimes fast-paced, sometimes humorous, but always extraordinary way. Together they tell their stories of partnership and trust. The gala immerses the audience in the world of fantasy that makes the seemingly impossible possible.