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Lessons with the national trainer, learning from the master of liberty dressage and stars of the Hop Top Show

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

As the conceptual sponsor of the World Equestrian Show, the German Equestrian Federation will be represented with a top-class programme. In an exclusive training evening, Jean-Francois Pignon will demonstrate how simple exercises bring man and horse into harmony. Renowned horsemanship trainers will present themselves in the daytime programme and international artists will make "Rhapsody" a special experience. 

The national trainers of the various disciplines usually keep an eye on the top riders and accompany their preparation for the next championships. During the Equitana, they go from the top to the breadth and pass on their knowledge to riders of very different performance levels. On Tuesday, 12 April, U25 National Coach Sebastian Heinze will be paying attention to an elastic seat and fine aids. Jumping gymnastics is on Markus Döring'straining schedule. The co-instructor of the show-jumping team invites one student from the show-jumping section and one from the eventing section on Wednesday, 13th April.

Bernhard Fliegl, the national coach of the para-dressage riders, will be in action on Sunday, 10 April. Up-and-coming pairs from the para-area can apply for the lesson with him. FN training ambassador Christoph Hess will impart his many years of experience on Thursday 7 April in the large ring at Equitana. Participants can apply directly to the FN for all lessons until 10 March.

Dressage in the saddle and on the ground

Dressage trainer Dr. Britta Schöffmann was already present at the first Equitana 50 years ago. "I was a tender twelve years old then and part of a grey pony quadrille of the Krefeld Hubertus riding stable. I don't think I've missed a show since then, sometimes as a rider, sometimes as a judge and always as a trainer and author. This time she is giving lessons on horse-friendly riding in different performance classes.

Dressage from the ground is the hobbyhorse of trainer Dr. Claudia Münch. Her goal is to refine the aids and to train the body feeling in order to prepare difficult lessons from below. In the large ring at Equitana, she gives visitors completely new impressions. With the help of drone footage, she shows the exercises from a bird's eye view.

Understanding horses with Jean-Francois Pignon

His freedom dressage fascinates people all over the world. He leads his horses with playful ease. They follow him, gather around him and group together under his direction to form ever new figures and formations. Jean-Francois Pignon is the calming influence in their midst. Through small gestures, the master of gentle communication achieves a great effect. The Frenchman will share the secrets of his unique connection to horses at an exclusive training evening on Tuesday, 12 April, at 8 pm at Equitana.

Horsemanship in the daily programme

Freedom dressage and horsemanship can also be experienced up close in the various rings at Equitana. The grand dame Linda Tellington-Jones will travel specially from her adopted home of Hawaii to introduce her TTouch method to the visitors. Show rider and freedom specialist Kenzie Dysli will demonstrate her training philosophy on Wednesday, 13 April. For this purpose, she will not only bring her own horses to Essen, but will also work with participant horses she does not know. The Czech trainer Honza Blaha will show ways to create an inner bond between man and animal. He has developed his own concept for working his horses in a collected manner without a saddle or snaffle.

Safety through partnership

Western and stunt rider Yvonne Gutsche has developed cross-disciplinary training approaches that make the horse a safe, calm and reliable partner in every situation. She will demonstrate the practical implementation at Equitana. How the rider learns to see the world from a horse's eyes is taught by Michael Geitner. The inventor of Dual Activation and Equikinetic will present his brain jogging for horses. Scientifically, Dr. Vivian Gabor has intensively studied the learning behaviour of horses. She will demonstrate how she puts her findings into practice by working with various animals of participants. 

Stars at the Hop Top Show

The eventful day at the fair ends on the Equitana weekend with a very special gala evening. In the new Hop Top Show Rhapsody, internationally renowned artists will enchant the audience with unique images. The flying Frenchman Lorenzo will be there as well as the Spanish specialist for spectacular performances Santi Serra Camps. Speed and risk are the passion of stunt rider Laury Tisseur, who fascinates the audience with acrobatics and speed. Things are also fiery with the Excalibur ensemble and the Icelanders from LixhofLudwig Weinmayr and the Kladruby Stud Farm will be on hot wheels and the Lusitano Quadrille Pedro Torres and Marie Desodt with their ponies will provide magical moments.

Tickets for the seven days of the fair, the training evening with Jean-Francois Pignon and the Hop Top Show are available at the ticketshop.