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Deutsche Telekom Champions Responsible AI for People and Planet

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

SHERIDAN, WYOMING – September 15, 2024 – Deutsche Telekom is taking a proactive stance on the responsible and sustainable use of artificial intelligence (AI). The company has introduced nine guiding principles for "green AI," aiming to harness the benefits of AI while minimizing its environmental impact.

Balancing Innovation with Sustainability

AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and drive positive change, but its energy and resource consumption are significant concerns. Deutsche Telekom recognizes the need to address these challenges head-on.

Claudia Nemat, Board Member for Technology and Innovation at Deutsche Telekom, emphasized the company's commitment: "Our goal is to keep AI's energy consumption as efficient as possible. With our nine principles for green AI, we are setting clear guidelines for this. We have been relying on the opportunities of artificial intelligence for years, in many areas of our company. We want to exploit the potential of this technology in such a way that it benefits people without causing harm. That is why we already issued guidelines for the ethical use of AI in 2018."

Green AI Principles

Deutsche Telekom's nine principles for green AI provide a framework for developing and deploying AI solutions in a more ecologically sustainable manner. These principles encompass strategies such as reusing AI models, employing "green coding" practices to minimize energy consumption, and ensuring transparency regarding the carbon footprint of AI applications.

AI for Energy Efficiency

Deutsche Telekom is already leveraging AI to enhance energy efficiency within its own operations. In its data centers, AI intelligently controls cooling systems based on anticipated IT load, optimizing energy use and reducing costs. The company also utilizes AI in its mobile network to put antennas into "sleep mode" when not in use, further conserving energy.

Promoting Sustainable AI Solutions

Deutsche Telekom actively supports and promotes AI solutions that contribute to a more sustainable future. The AI Vision Suite, for instance, enables real-time object identification and analysis of image, video, and 3D data, facilitating early defect detection and preventing material waste. AI also plays a crucial role in environmental and disaster protection, with the Copernicus program of the European Union, managed by T-Systems, providing extensive satellite data that AI analyzes to identify trends such as urban heat islands or potential floods.

Commitment to a Greener Future

Deutsche Telekom's dedication to responsible AI aligns with its broader commitment to sustainability. By establishing clear principles for green AI and actively implementing AI solutions for energy efficiency and environmental protection, the company is paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

About Deutsche Telekom:

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world's leading integrated telecommunications companies, with over 178 million mobile customers, 28 million fixed-network lines, and 22 million broadband lines. The company offers a wide range of products and services for consumers, businesses, and the public sector.