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In focus: Health and wellness in tourism as a market advantage

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

The reasons for travelling are manifold - there is a suitable hotel for every type of traveller. But the demand for health and wellness offers within the tourism sector is steadily increasing. So-called wellness tourism is a growing component of the hotel industry. According to a Statista survey, wellness and health holidays were among the top five most popular types of short trips in 2021 with a share of approximately 11.5 percent. In addition, around 28 percent of Germans expressed interest in special wellness offers, such as visits to wellness hotels or spas.

Women for a strong and healthy society

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

We stand up for equal rights for all people, regardless of their gender identity. And not just today, but every 365 days of the year. Nevertheless, we would like to use today's International Women's Day to give two particularly strong women a stage: Nutritionist and yoga instructor Petra Orzech and bodybuilder Dunja Bitar. In the first FIBO interview you can find out how Dunja keeps herself healthy, what her biggest milestone was and what message she wants to share with you.

Women for a strong and healthy society

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

We stand up for equal rights for all people, regardless of their gender identity. And not just today, but every 365 days of the year. Nevertheless, we would like to use today's International Women's Day to give two particularly strong women a stage: Nutritionist and yoga instructor Petra Orzech and bodybuilder Dunja Bitar. In the second FIBO interview, you can find out how Petra stays herself healthy, what her biggest milestone was and what message she wants to share with you.


How do you stay healthy?

Fitness - Health: social relevance and economic success in harmony

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

With the start of FIBO 2023, it will once again become clear how fascinating and diverse the fitness industry is. But which trends and strategies are important for sustainable success? It is almost impossible to list all the factors here, so we will take a closer look at just two aspects.

Transform your business plan with a modern open platform

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

As the world around us shifts its focus towards more personalised experiences, the fitness industry needs to adapt or face being left behind. A real need for operators within the fitness industry to adopt a digital transformative strategy arises.

As Industry pioneers, it is our responsibility to share the knowledge gained from working alongside well-established operators with those at all stages of growth, supporting and guiding fitness providers on the value of digitally transformative systems.

Health needs training - training needs science

Submitted by J. Mikhail on
Activity alone is not enough! Especially in times like these, which are characterised by physical inactivity, more focus needs to be put on the fundamental importance of muscle training for a long, healthy life. To educate society about this and to support training facilities in their communication, the Experten Allianz für Gesundheit e.V. was founded.

Skinny Fat – danger lies in the depths

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

Not all fat is the same. It is not just the amount that matters, but above all the place where it is located. Skinny fat refers to exactly that: people who appear slim on the outside but have a lot of fat and little muscle mass on the inside. They are also called metabolically obese with normal weight (MONW), are mainly physically inactive and have more fat than healthy normal weight people (over 23 percent in men, over 30 percent in women), especially visceral fat.

From the living room to the dance studio or the boxing ring: virtual and augmented reality make it happen

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

Adding a little variety to your workout, trying out what is possible virtually and burning a few calories in the process, or even learning new moves and techniques: virtual and augmented reality games and applications are increasingly finding their way into everyday life - also in sports training. According to ARtillery Intelligence, global sales in the virtual reality market were around 12 billion US dollars in 2022. In 2021, it was still around 8 billion. And the forecast for the coming years continues to point upwards. Reasons enough to take a closer look at the trend.

Gamification in the fitness and health industry

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

To effectively motivate gym customers or gym app users to continue exercising, many gym operators and developers create fun features to make exercising more enjoyable. However, the fun factor may not be enough to motivate customers to maintain their efforts. In practice, gamification is increasingly used for this purpose. Designed appropriately, gamification elements can help motivate and retain customers and help them achieve fitness goals.

Quality of life through muscle training

Submitted by J. Mikhail on

Around the clock, day in and day out, some 654 muscles work for us so that we can carry out everyday movements or even sporting activities. It is the successful interaction of muscle work and our nervous system that enables us to do what we do. So anyone who has so far reduced muscles to their looks is doing them an injustice! Their inside is a true marvel and makes them the basis for our quality of life.